Columbia Financial Aid and Educational Financing

Private Loans

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Summer Private Loan Request Form

2016-2017 Private Loan Request Form

Private education loans are loans borrowed from a private source, including banks, credit unions, and private lenders.

Some families choose private education loans when the federal loans do not provide enough funds or when they need more flexible repayment options. Borrowing requirements; repayment options; and interest rates will vary from loan to loan and lender to lender. Make sure to do your research when considering a private loan.

  • Fees and interest rates vary based on the lender.

Please note: some lenders may require students to apply with a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident creditworthy cosigner.

Columbia offers a Suggested Lender List for families to reference. Please note you do not have to choose a lender on this list.

  • Students and parents have the right and ability to select the education loan provider of their choice, are not required to use any of these suggested lenders and will suffer no penalty for choosing a lender that is not included as a suggested lender.
  • Please use the following school codes for your private loan application:
    • Columbia College = 002707-10
    • Engineering = 002707-04

Once you secure a loan with the lender directly, you must then complete our online application in order for the loan to be certified.

We will not certify your loan until you have done so, which might delay payment of your student account.